Hello everyone, my name is Hannah Schroeder and I am a Museum Management and
Curatorship student from Fleming College! Originally from a small town in Ontario, I traded
my boots for sandals and headed out east for a change of scenery. I went to Trent
University for a BA in Archaeology with a minor in History. I attempted to work in CRM for a
solid two weeks and realized that digging is very dirty. I have always had a passion for
history and preservation, believing that everyone should have an opportunity to learn about
their heritage. What better way to combine those two loves than taking a museum program?
Throughout my program, I have learned so much about museums, and my adoration for
them has only grown. My love for history came alive being able to handle artifacts while
learning and sharing stories behind beloved objects.
You can find me on a comfy couch surrounded by books and a few cats when I am not
inside a museum. I might be a chatty Cathy at times, but I do enjoy a quiet night in. Being
new to Halifax and Nova Scotia in general, I look forward to exploring what this beautiful
province offers for the next 14 weeks.
I am very excited to apply the new skills and knowledge I have learned from the last eight
months to real-world projects. Working with ANSM and their community partners will be a
new challenge that I am ready to take on.