Sept 2024 Update: ANSM is pleased to announce a new 5-part Museum Fundamentals Training Course! Find out more here.

Museum Studies Program

The ANSM Museum Studies Program is currently paused.

Program Structure

The courses are offered over a three-year rotation. Participants can take the courses in any order, though Year One is structured to offer core principles of administration and operation for a museum. Year Two modules include information on collections and their display. Year Three offers more in depth information with regards to interpretation and facilities management as well as marketing.

Year One

Museums 101
Museums & Community
Museum Management & Governance

Year Two

Interpretation I: Public Programming
Collections Management & Curatorship
Museums 101

Year Three

Interpretation II: Exhibitions
Facilities Management
Marketing & Revenue Generation

Duration & Certificate

Each course is now being offered virtually, consisting of a mixture of lecture, group discussion, and exercises. A successfully completed homework assignment must also be finished to receive the certificate from each course.

The Museum Studies Program is part of the ANSM training program which offers a combination of advisory service, conferences, and workshops as educational support for museums in Nova Scotia.

Looking to register for an event or workshop? Visit our Registration page for forms and more information.

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