Statement of Support for Africville Museum


September 6, 2023

In the aftermath of the profoundly disturbing discovery of a noose at Africville Park, the Association of Nova Scotia Museums would like to express our support and solidarity with the staff and community of Africville Museum.

To the staff and community of Africville Museum, please know that you are not alone in dealing with this hateful crime. Your resilience and dedication to preserving the rich heritage of Africville are an inspiration to us all.

Museums are not just repositories of the past. They are places that form our todays and tomorrows as they strive to foster understanding and empathy today. The Africville Museum, in particular, is a leader to all museums on how deepening our understanding of history helps create resilience.

It is incumbent upon us, as a museum community, to stand against racism, discrimination, and hatred in all its forms. The incident at Africville Museum serves as a reminder that the work we do in preserving and sharing complete histories is more important than ever.

The Association of Nova Scotia Museums reaffirms its commitment to work in partnership with communities to create museums and collections in which all Nova Scotians will see their reflection. This includes work to improve addressing narratives relating to the continuous story of African Nova Scotians in Nova Scotia since becoming the birthplace of African presence in Canada over 400 years ago.

In solidarity, we shall overcome such hateful incidents and continue to build a future where museums serve as beacons of acceptance, understanding, and unity. Together, we shall ensure that the lessons of the past guide us towards a more inclusive and just society.

Katie Tanner
ANSM President

Maggie MacIntyre
ANSM Executive Director